Agile project management methodologies are abundant in the software world. If you’re buying strategic software design and development you ...
In times like this, when most of us are working remotely and likely facing a slowdown in our respective organizations, you might be at a bit ...
It's strange times in the world right now. More cases of COVID19 are emerging in Alberta and Canada, and in order to practice social flatten ...
If you're reading this and aren't using an RSS Feed or other content-repurposing service, you're looking at V3 of the Paper Leaf Design It a ...
Over here at Paper Leaf Design, we make much ado about communication & process. In our minds, these two elements are key to a successful ...
Web users are bombarded with information on a daily basis, and it's been shown that the way users read on a computer is completely different ...
No doubt, whether you design for an agency or whether you design as a freelancer, you have had to deal with the aggravation of "rush" work. ...
Simple but true: the best designs are born from the best client-designer relationships. They aren't born from relationships where the calls ...
We're going to take a quick break today from our regularly scheduled, design-informing programming to jump on the Self-Involved Train and a ...
"Social media" is everywhere. Everyone's talking about it - news anchors, journalists, your mom, your bowling team. And while social media - ...