Paper Leaf Design in Parlour Magazine


We’re going to take a quick break today from our regularly scheduled, design-informing programming to jump on the Self-Involved Train and talk about ourselves for a minute. Why? Because this month Paper Leaf Design is featured in Parlour Magazine. This Edmonton-produced design, lifestyle and fashion magazine is available in Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver, and is noted for its great design, photography, and content.

Parlour Magazine

We’re honored to have been mentioned (and so kindly!) in their favorites section – judging by the quality of the other talent featured in the section, it’s no small feat. So thanks to Parlour for mentioning us, and if you see Parlour in your city, pick it up! It’s free and the content is awesome – for example, this issue features articles on the Bouncing Souls and Metric, as well as highlights of up & coming fashion for the season. Much thanks to Leah Rae Photography – she took the photo of us that appears in the ‘zine.

Here’s some shots of the inside of the magazine (we’re the big photo, where Andy is threatening me with physical harm).

Paper Leaf Design in Parlour Magazine

Paper Leaf Design in Parlour Magazine

Alright, enough about us. Back to dropping design science in our next post!

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