Paper Leaf Wins ACE Award for Best in Innovation


We’re going to set aside ASCII calendar wallpapers and joke (but also actually real) posts about custom Angry Jeff Slack emojis to post some self-back-patting real news. That news?

We won the Award for Best in Innovation for Hugo the Tweeting Robot!

Who knew a foul-mouthed tweeting robot could amount to so much? We actually won two other awards in conjunction with the Overall Award for Best in Innovation (topping nearly 350 entries!) at this year’s ACE Awards, which is cool. At the end of the night, we left with three pieces of hardware from two entries:

jacek packaging and hugo

Hugo was first and foremost a team-building exercise – an effort to get out of the box and push some boundaries in areas we hadn’t dove into yet. Winning awards for it wasn’t the point, or even in our heads when building Hugo, but it’s cool for the outcome to be recognized. JACEK has been a client of ours for the entirety of both of our business’ lifespans – this is our second packaging award for them, and if we’re being honest that probably has more to do with the fact that the judges get to eat the chocolate afterward. JACEK’s vision and trust in what we do is plays an equal part in the design work we get to produce for them.

Anyway, thanks again to the ACE Awards team and judges – now enough humblebragging and back to stranding Andy in the middle of the workspace.

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