Wondering what your options are for funding your app idea? What about monetizing it? From various funding models to the most common monetization strategies, the Guide to Funding & Monetizing Your App has the answers you're looking for.
Found Friday Vol 91
Found FridaysIt’s Found Friday, back from the dead (or a few-week hiatus, anyway)! It feels like we should have a zombie theme this week or something. But we don’t. Instead, we have the following goodies: a new, beautiful, free responsive jQuery slider; a great article on the cost of responsive web design; a beautiful floating mug; a dual digital/Polaroid camera; and a iPhone weather app inspired by Dieter Rams. Share away!
There’s no shortage of sliders out there. I don’t know what it is about them: whenever a newer, seemingly better one comes out, I have to try it. Next up to bat: RefineSlide. There’s some awesome animations happening here.
How Much Does a Responsive Web Design Cost?
How much does a responsive web design cost? It’s an unanswerable question – you need to dig in more to figure that out. Read this article to learn how to do that very thing.
The Floating Mug
It floats! (not really) It respects wood! (it’s not a sentient being, so I’m lying again) It’s beautiful & innovative – now, that’s truth. Good enough for me – check it out!
Polaroid Z2300 Instant Digital Camera
This beauty gives you an old-school polaroid while recording the same shot digitally. It’s like a hipster riding a Segway or something.
WTHR is so minimal it doesn’t even have vowels. It’s a beautiful design, apparently based on Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Design. Cool.
See you next week!