Found Friday Vol 86

Found Fridays

It’s Found Friday, and I’m rapidly typing this out so I can get back to losing my March Madness pool. This week, we have: a bunch of jQuery plugins to help with responsive design; an article on the new iPad, its retina display, and what it means for us web developers; a great, free, responsive slider plugin for WordPress; an article on skeumorphic design; and a gorgeous Scrabble set for typography nerds.

jQuery Plugins for Responsive Design

Responsive design is new, and new things mean new challenges to solve. Here are a bunch of jQuery plugins that solve problems that responsive design faces.

responsive jquery plugins

What the New iPad’s Retina Display Means for Web Developers

The new retina display on the iPad is awesome, but it also is going to be a bit of a headache for web developers. Read why.

retina display ipad 3

WP Orbit Slider

A free, responsive WordPress slider plugin. Nice.

WP orbit slider

Skeuomorphic Design

Skeuomorphic design isn’t just a difficult to pronounce phrase. It is something UI designers should know inside & out.

skeuomorphic design

Scrabble Typography Edition

It makes sense that Scrabble lovers would also be letterform lovers, right? This is a gorgeous take on the traditional Scrabble board game.

Scrabble Typography Edition

See you next week!

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