Wordcamp Edmonton 2011 is Coming!


Today we’re going to divert from our regularly scheduled (that’s a joke) writing to inform those of you who are local to Edmonton, AB about Wordcamp Edmonton. Taking place on November 18 & 19, 2011, Wordcamp Edmonton is the place to be if you’re a WordPress user, designer, developer, or even just someone who wants to learn more about publishing and the web in general.

Wordcamp Edmonton - WordPressWe write a lot about WordPress on the ol’ Paper Leaf blog, since it’s our publishing platform of choice. We’re actually involved in the organization of this, Edmonton’s inaugural gathering of WordPress-ians (we are Edmontonians ourselves, after all). Hit the jump to learn more about what a Wordcamp is, who it’s for, and why you should be there (plus, tickets are only $40!).

What is a Wordcamp?

Wordcamp is a WordPress-central sanctioned event that is all about WordPress, the world’s most popular publishing platform. Various speakers come to talk on their subject of choice – subjects to be expected include:

  • WordPress theming
  • WordPress development tips & tricks
  • WordPress for designers
  • General web design topics
  • Talks on SEO and content
  • Beginner WordPress workshops and more.

Who is Wordcamp Edmonton For?

If you’re any of the following, you should buy your ticket to Wordcamp Edmonton now: a website content manager; blogger; general WordPress user; or a website designer or developer. You don’t have to be familiar with WordPress to benefit from attending Wordcamp Edmonton – and on the flipside, if you are familiar with WordPress, you’ll love the in-depth nature of some of the talks.

When & Where

Wordcamp Edmonton 2011 is scheduled to take place November 18 & 19, 2011, at the Shaw Conference Centre (Salon 5/6). You can buy your tickets now!

Get Involved & Stay Informed

Wordcamp Edmonton is still looking for speakers, sponsors, volunteers, and attendees too! Follow the event on Twitter, or join the Facebook group, and stay up to date on all the proceedings leading up to November 18 & 19.

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