Not sure what accessibility changes will have the most benefit to your existing software? Are you in the build process and need to make sure accessibility has been appropriately considered? Use this checklist as a starting point.
Found Friday Vol 89
Found FridaysWe’re back this week with Found Friday Volume 89: the best designy finds o’ the week. This week we have: a new WordPress code reference site; a handy online calculator for responsive web design; a great read on the principles of user interface (UI) design; a tool for bookmarking all those cool design elements out there; and a fun panic-button light switch. Read on & share away!
The WordPress Codex is awesome, but QueryPosts looks to aid WordPress developers even more with a different way to reference all the code & functions that WordPress has to offer. Worth a bookmark for sure.
RWD Calculator
Math sucks and I’m bad at it. Responsive web design requires basic math, so hopefully this calculator will help prevent us from going out of business because I can’t do basic division. Seriously though, it looks handy!
Principles of User Interface Design
Freebies and everything are great, but you can’t use them effectively in your designs if you don’t know the underlying principles. Check out this post for a solid starting point.
Discover by Usabilla
As mentioned, freebies are great – and there are a TON out there. Usabilla’s Discover aims to help you organize so you can find & use them more easily. Request an invite!
Panic Button Light Switch
I’m not going to lie – running into a room and smashing this light switch would make my day just that much more enjoyable. Maybe you could even yell something like “THE SYSTEM IS DOWN” too, just to confuse your co-workers even more.
See you next week!