8155 105 St NW #290 Edmonton, AB T6E 3R7
9 - 5 pm Monday - Friday sales@paper-leaf.com 780-633-0415
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Design systems are common to most large organizations, or at least they should be. A quick Google search will bring you to multiple articles about why your business will burn to the ground if you have ...
Before I traded them in for the standard designer uniform – black plastic glasses and a plaid shirt – I used to wear safety glasses and ...
Ah it's finally summer, and that means only one thing. Road trip time! So grab some friends, pack your bags, make a killer playlist, and a ...
Weathering vectors with the pathfinder tool is great for logos and lettering projects, but it can be way too clunky when trying to texturize ...
If you're a WordPress developer, creating custom themes from scratch, you've been there before. You need to use custom fields in order to an ...
FLORAL! No...yes! It looks like summer has finally arrived where we are, and what better way to celebrate than to have a floral desktop. of ...
Can it be true? Is winter finally over?I Judging by the number bikes locked up outside the office I'd say it's safe to say bike season is So ...
In like a lion, out like a lamb. That's the saying, right? With spring rolling in, here's hoping that winter is going to go out like a And ...
Paper Leaf started as a 2-person operation (well, 4 if you count cats). Andy & I did everything in house ourselves: design, development, ...
It feels like Spring is almost right around the corner. In honour of that, here is a desktop to remind you to cherish that last days of and ...
Web development is a daunting challenge to tackle. The required skill set is only getting more and more complex over time, especially with I ...
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