Connecting the next generation of electricity sector professionals

Project Details

Building a mentorship platform for the Canadian electricity industry

Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) is a national not-for-profit organization that works to strengthen the Canadian electricity and renewable energy sector. They make sure that all of the people responsible for Canada’s power grid have what they need to be prepared for HR challenges, including research, resources, and programs.

Since the accessibility of quality mentorship is a major contributing factor in a sustainable, thriving workforce, EHRC undertook a custom software project built with Laravel to bring their national Mentorship Program to life.

Built for performance

Architectural considerations and load-balancing have made this web application highly scalable and performant for a large, active userbase.

Two languages supported

Both English and French were included as ‘preferred language’ profile options for users.

100 new connections made

With robust metadata associated with users, and the connections they make with one another, admins can extract the data that matters most.

Unique Features

The EHRC Mentor Junction web application manages connections – linking two users in a mentor/ mentee relationship, allowing them to converse with each other. Extensive user research and planning was conducted at the beginning of the project with the development of user stories and acceptance criteria, user personas, and workflows. Features of this custom software include:

  1. Advanced user search and filtering
    Robust filtering allows users to browse through mentor profiles based on a wide-range of criteria, including location, field of practice, gender, years of experience, etc. The inclusion of extensive metadata makes the matchmaking experience highly targeted and effective.
  2. Robust registration and profile management
    Users have the ability to customize their experience with a range of options for notification opt-ins and the ability to select their preferred language for the system interface. Profiles include extensive information that have been woven into the registration and account management workflows.
  3. Customized reporting and tools for admins
    For administrators, a reporting dashboard displays details pertaining to the connections between mentors and mentees with the ability to generate reports based on specific data as needed. Other admin features include abuse moderation and user management.


EHRC Mentorship Junction is a web application that will play a pivotal role in the health and sustainability of Canada’s electricity and renewable energy industry for years to come. It has been built to evolve and grow with the needs of its diverse and expansive userbase. We look forward to developing more custom software projects for our friends at Electricity HR Canada!

“Paper Leaf put in a huge effort to really understand us and what success looks like for this project. [They have provided] quality results that have received unanimously positive feedback from board members, stakeholders, and users.”
Alex Hosselet, Marketing & Communications Manager Electricity HR Canada
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