Not sure what accessibility changes will have the most benefit to your existing software? Are you in the build process and need to make sure accessibility has been appropriately considered? Use this checklist as a starting point.
Found Friday Vol 66
Found FridaysAww yeahhh…. this week’s Found Friday is a solid one. We have some awesome tees for designers; an ugly but very useful app for scheduling meetings; a must-read article on pricing for designers; some beautiful CSS3 buttons; and some killer free fonts from FontFont. Read on!
United Pixelworkers
Not only are these shirts beautifully designed (not to mention the site!), but they’re printed on American Apparel and reasonably priced. It’s a perfect storm for designerd consumerism!
Ostensibly inspired by the phrase “When is good for you?”, this ugly-yet-useful free web app allows a link to be generated that showcases a calendar. This link can be sent out to various parties, who then check off which days are “good” for them to meet. The app keeps track of all parties and narrows down the entries to show the days that work for everyone. Simple and awesome!
The Dark Art of Pricing
This article by Jessica Hische is as awesome as her work. Every freelance designer or studio struggles with pricing – Jessica’s take is a great one. And especially useful for type designers & illustrators.
Just Some Awesome CSS3 Buttons
I’m a sucker for nicely done CSS3 buttons. That’s what these area. Slick & minimal – check them out!
FontFont Goodies
Apparently their latest typeface was released on July 20… but it’s new to me! And hopefully you. They have others too – check them out.
See you next week!