Found Friday Vol 30

Found Fridays

Welcome, internet trailblazers, to volume 30 of Found Friday – the best design finds of the week. This week, we have a roundup of the new announcements from Apple, a gangstafied Lorem Ipsum site, an online caricature-drawing service for $50, A List Apart’s web survey, and a free online web development estimation tool. Great stuff all around!

All the Cool New Stuff from Apple

Crazy thin Macbook Air? Check. New OS? Check. Facetime for Mac? Check. Mac App Store? Che… wait, what?!

All the Cool New Apple Stuff

Gangsta Lorem Ipsum

I’ve been known to have some fun with client mockups, from using placeholder photos of George Clooney & Fabio to sending along fake mockups drawn in MS Paint. If you’re like me, then, you’ll love the opportunity to use Gangsta Lorem Ipsum. If you can’t have any fun, why do anything at all?

Gangsta Lorem Ipsum

Caricature Pro

Caricatures are a specific skill, and if you’re looking to brand yourself (or your client) as a welcoming, laid-back business person, Caricature Pro might be an option worth looking in to. Mine would probably end up with a giant head biceps.

Caricature Pro

The Survey for People Who Make Websites

A List Apart runs annual survey designed to gather information from web designers like you and I. Help out your own industry, take 5 minutes, and complete this survey!

A List Apart Web Design Survey

Astuteo Web Development Project Estimator

A great little tool for those not completely sure about what to charge for a project, or to see if what you’re currently charging is accurate. Glad to say we were bang on! There are some items in the form that I hadn’t really thought of articulating to clients too, so that was a bonus.

Astuteo Project Estimator

That’s it! See you next week!

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