Found Friday Vol 88

Found Fridays

Welcome to Found Friday 88, where we share with you the best design-related finds o’ the week. This week we have: the world’s longest running invoice; a great WordPress plugin for WordPress developers; Pantone toothbrushes; the new Creative Suite CS6 branding; and a great CSS animations typography tutorial. Get to reading, and share away!

The World’s Longest Invoice

This site is mind-blowing – a running tally of unpaid invoices from creatives & freelancers all over the globe. At the time of this writing, it’s currently over $5M (via @swissmiss).

World's Longest Invoice

WordPress Admin Menu Editor

I’m all about using WordPress as a CMS, and making the experience enjoyable for your clients who are using the software. This plugin fits right into that area, helping you organize, hide, rename and delete the menu items in the WordPress admin.

WordPress Admin Menu Plugin

Pantone Toothbrushes

I gotta admit, I was pretty stoked on the Pantone mugs, chairs, and early product that Pantone was releasing. Now they have toothbrushes alongside their ever-expanding product list. I’m not sure how to feel about this. Am I a Pantone hipster? Who am I kidding, I’ll order one.

Pantone Toothbrush

Creative Suite CS6 Branding

Check out Brand New‘s article on the new Creative Suite branding. Pretty crazy stuff.

Adobe CS6 Branding

Rotating Words with CSS Animations

Here’s another great tutorial from the people over at Codrops – a sort of “word slider”/fader using CSS animations. I dig.

Typography CSS Animation Tutorial

See ya next week!

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