Wondering what your options are for funding your app idea? What about monetizing it? From various funding models to the most common monetization strategies, the Guide to Funding & Monetizing Your App has the answers you're looking for.
Found Friday Vol 4
Found FridaysHappy Friday! Here to help you celebrate is a glorious mix of designy goodness from this week: the Happy Hour watch, a dynamic image generator for web mockups, a bundle of Mac software for mega-cheap, a half impossible/half easy online brand quiz, and a great article on properly selling your design services. Overall, a healthy mix of fun & practical. Read on & enjoy!
Happy Hour Watch
I figured this was the best item to start off with, since it’s Friday and I imagine a few of you readers are going to crack a cold one at 5pm like I am. This watch not only looks slick (and keeps time, presumably), but it has a bottle opener built into the latch on the strap. It’s like those Reef sandals of old, but for your wrist! (via uncrate)
Dynamic Dummy Image Generator
Designers are familiar with Lorem Ipsum (clients sometimes notsomuch, as ClientsFromHell can attest to) – it’s a great and quick way to put in placeholder text in your designs. But what about images? Along comes dummyimage.com, which is a super quick & easy dummy image generator for your web mockups. Pump in the size, pick a color for the background & text, pick a format, and get a link. That’s all you need!
Hit the jump for the rest of the Found Friday goodness!
The MacSale
MacHeist has come & passed again; for those of you who missed, here is an alternative available until March 15th, 2010. A bundle of cool-looking Mac programs (I can’t attest to their actual quality, as I don’t have them), but for $50 you can’t really miss. Plus, it’s a SALE. So you HAVE to buy it.
The Brand Quiz
These sorts of things are a fun way to kill some time at your work, and they still provide you with the “But I was doing research – I swear!” excuse. This quick quiz of popular brands provides you with 2 colors, a visual clue, and an abstract hint in order to solve each question. I got 15/21, but I was rushing. SERIOUSLY
Reeling in Clients: Hook, Line & Sinker
Questionable title and font choice aside, this article is a good read by the folks at www.onextrapixel.com on their methods of finding clients, speaking to clients, and closing the deal. It’s one thing to be able to be a great designer, but your communication skills are paramount to your success. Check it out.
There ya go! Enjoy your weekend, and tune in on Monday & Friday next week for a new post & a new volume of Found Friday, respectively. If you have any Found Friday suggestions, leave ’em in the comments!