Found Friday Vol 17

Found Fridays

It has been a crazy week here for me; I’ve barely been in front of my computer. However, I still managed to come across some great work and some great ideas. This week’s Found Friday finds include a collection of helpful typography posters, a inspirational notebook, a great article on usability, some astounding branding work for an organic farm, and a useful way to get full-browser-window background images with CSS3. Read on, readers!

Six Super Helpful Typography Cheat Sheets

There’s a lot that goes into well-designed typography, and a lot to know about type in general. These six graphics each present the need-to-know information in a beautiful fashion.

Six Super Helpful Typography Cheat Sheets

Inspiration Pad

via SwissMiss

Need a noteboook out of the norm? Check out the Inspiration Pad. I’m not sure how useful it will be to everyone, but it’ll get your brain working in a fashion it’s not used to.

Inspiration Pad

Quit Quirks When Working with Others

This article should be read by every web designer and every web design client on earth. That is all.

Quit Quirks when Working With Others -

JBG Branding

I absolutely love the branding work done for this organic farm. Unique and it absolutely matches the company. This is a must-see for any logo/identity designer.

JBG Branding on Brand New

Supersize that Background Please

We’ve covered various methods of getting full-browser background images before, but the collective genius of A List Apart breaks down how to do it in CSS3 in this great article.

Supersize that Background PleaseThanks! See you next week.

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