Found Friday Vol 60

Found Fridays

Found Friday Vol 60 is here, to see you off into yet another weekend. Hopefully yours is filled with greatness, whether design-related or not. Speaking of design-related greatness, this week’s finds include: a series of awesome gadget covers/cases; a list of great one-page apps for web designers; a jQuery plugin that makes creating custom dropdowns a breeze; a great article on “ego-management” for freelancers; and an article exploring designers who have used giveaways to establish themselves as industry leaders. Read on!

Incase APC Collection

Some awesome denim covers/cases for Macbooks, iPads, and other gadgets. If you’re gonna have the goods, might as well dress ’em up.

One Page Apps I Actually Use

Chris Coyier writes a post about the one-page apps he actually uses in web design/development. It’s a worthwhile read; there are a ton of one-page apps out there, and this helps pare them down a touch.

One Page Apps


From their site: “Creating custom dropdowns is usually a tedious process that requires a ton of extra setup time. Oftentimes lacking conveniences that native dropdowns have such as keyboard navigation. DropKick removes the tedium and lets you focus on making s@#t look good.” Alright then.

Dropkick jQuery Plugin

Forget Time Management – Worry About Ego Management Instead

Freelancing is a completely different beast than the office setting. This article talks about “ego management” and dealing with stress. I found it helpful; I’ve been known to stress out from time to time.

Ego Management for Freelancers

Designers Using Freebies to Grow Their Business

Giving away quality goods is a proven way to attract traffic and, hopefully, return visitors. We’ve done it with our Color Theory poster, our Elements of Design poster, and some other stuff too. This article focuses on a few notable names in the design industry and the role freebies have played to help them get where they are.

Freebies and Designers

Enjoy & see you next week!

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